JUNG Architecture Lectures

27th Apr 2023
Sprengel Museum

In April, the JUNG Architecture Talks were held for the first time in Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony. The event was organised in close cooperation with the state association of the BDA Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten. The theme of the evening in the Calder Hall of the Sprengel Museum was Unique Houses. JUNG had invited young architects from Germany and Belgium to develop individual housing typologies for the 21st century.
Residential, weekend and holiday homes, new builds and conversions that redefine living standards, dare to experiment with design and turn the scenography of living on its head:

The presentations by Sonja Nagel and Jan Theissen from AMUNT, Aachen and Stuttgart, by Ana Vollenbroich and Annelen Schmidt-Vollenbroich from Nidus in Düsseldorf and by Bart Vanden Driessche from the Belgian architecture firm BLAF showed that the history of individualised living is not yet over, even in the 21st century.

The evening was chaired by Boris Schade-Bünsow, editor-in-chief of the renowned German architecture magazine Bauwelt.

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